9/11: Tragedy & Headlines that Changed the World

The world changed forever following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States in New York City, Washington, and near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, killing nearly 3,000 people. 

I can only imagine what it must have been like as a journalist during that time to have to cover those horrific acts and televise/ radio broadcast them in the morning. Then I'm sure the next days, weeks, and even months were still filled with extensive reporting. Following these attacks, newspapers would continue their very important work of reporting from Ground Zero on the aftermath and continuously investing to get more information.

I personally think that the images, headlines, and stories that came from this day will forever be a symbol of this point in time. My parents have been able to recall headlines that stood out to them, and false reporting from a variety of news networks because many of them just wanted to get a story out and be the first to do so. 

In the video, we can clearly see how patriotism rose after this tragedy, and the press played a huger role in this. Not saying this was an easy time or topic to report on, but many television reports can be seen making emotional and unnecessary comments, President Bush doing the same while also placing blame, and newspapers encouraging Americans to untie during this time of tragedy. 

Headlines screamed things like "This is America's Darkest Day", "None of us will ever Forget", "Our Nation saw Evil", and "Americans will never feel safe again." 

There are hundreds of archived newspapers that can be found in response to this horrific day. I think it's so important that we take a look at how these headlines and stories changed our world- and how the world changed our news.

I stated earlier that I can't imagine this being an easy time for anyone, journalists included, but we have to remember that we have a duty when it comes to reporting. During times of tragedy and war, it's evident that many stories have been fabricated to make the U.S. seem like heroes. The video made it very clear that we purposely portrayed the Middle East in a more negative light.

Even if we want to seem like heroes or are the heroes, the real truth should always be told because it's our job to do so. 


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