Barbara Walters: More than a Journalist

 Many know Barbara Walters as an American broadcast journalist, author, and TV personality. She has been seen as the host of numerous television programs including The View, ABC Evening News, and 20/20. But through one of my classmate's presentations, I was able to see her in a different light.

Barbara Walters had a unique talent that allowed her to get answers out of people that others might not have been able to. 

During her career in broadcasting, Walters has conducted so many successful interviews with people ranging from celebrities to politicians and other important public figures. 

Because of this, I decided to make a list of some of my favorite Barbara Walter interviews.

1. Monica Lewinsky

This interview alone was watched by over 75 million people. This broke the record for any news program. Here Walters asked questions that people all over the world were dying to get answers to. She did not disappoint! 

2. Fidel Castro 

This interview took place in 1977. It made history for being Castro's first interview with an American journalist. Walters traveled to Cuba and in that time her and Castro spent around 10 days traveling together. He drove, and she sat in his passenger seat holding his gun. This is a prime example of Babara Walters constantly going above and beyond in her field of work. 

3. Vladimir Putin

Walters was also the first American journalist to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin. One question that really stood out to me in this interview was when she asked Putin if he ever ordered to have anyone killed. His response was no in Russian. 

4. Oprah Winfrey

This was a very personal interview conducted in 2010. There were lots of tears and just overall emotions. I've never seen Oprah in this manner so that's why this interview made my list. Oprah discussed her friendship with her best friend Gayle King, saying " I don't know a better person." I appreciated Oprah's vulnerability because she let viewers know that she hasn't been the best at expressing her love for her friend. This interview also touched on some rumors surrounding Oprah like her sexuality which I thought was really interesting. 


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